MINUTES of a Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held by ZOOM video conferencing
on Wednesday 28th April 2021 2021 at
Present: Mrs S Worrall (Chairman), Mrs I Beacom, Mrs P Costello, Mrs G Cousins, Mr D Cox,
Mrs B James-Lloyd, Mr D Kirley, Mr A Smith, Mr P Tinney,
In attendance – Mr R Pring (Clerk) Mr & Mrs Sloman, A Page, W Ewens, M Johnson, A Gilson
1. Apologies for absence – Mr A Landers, Mrs J Candy
2. Declarations of Interest – Cllr Tinney declared an interest in applications 29 & 30
3. District Council members – Nil.
4. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting held on 7
TH April 2021 . These had been circulated and were
approved. The Chairman would sign them later
5. Planning Applications –
Proposal: Conversion of existing outbuilding into a dwelling and erection of a detached garage.
Location. Beehive Cottage, Latcham, Wedmore BS28 4SA
Applicant Mr Craddock
Comment: No observations
Proposal: Approval of the details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the demolition of an existing
barn and erection of a dwelling.
Location: Land next The Parks, Plud Street,, Wedmore. BS28 4BE
Applicant: S & P Sloman
Comment: Object. The Council objects to this application. The building will dominate its neighbouring
properties and is next to a listed building. The building is not sympathetic to the Village Design Statement
or neighbourhood Plan
Proposal: Erection of rear garden summer house
Location: Tor View, Cold Nose, Bagley Wedmore. BS28 4TF
Applicant: Mr Fowler
Comment: No observations
Proposal: Minor alterations to existing two storey (North) extension with the erection of a new garage and formation
of vehicle access.
Location: Green Pastures, Mill Lane, Wedmore. BS28 4DN
Applicant: Clements
Comment: Object. The Council objects to this application.. The access onto Mutton Lane. This is a narrow and
very steep lane. They already have access onto Mill Lane which we feel is preferable. The verandah proposed on
the roof of the garage would potentially overlook three neighbouring properties. The cartilage of the proposed site
appears to be larger than the original planning permission 50/14/00057 in which case change of use should be
Proposal: Erection of rear single storey extension and internal alterations. Erection of subterranean basement to
include swimming pool, gym, plant room, changing room/shower and WC and associated landscaping
Location: Rose Court, Theale Wedmore. BS28 4SL
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Baker
Comment:No observations
Proposal: Change of use of land from agricultural use to equestrian use and formation of 40 x 20m Horse Arena
and a 20 x 10m winter turnout
Location: Southville Farm, Latcham, Wedmore. BS28 4SA
Applicant: Mr Jenkins
COMMENT: No observations but would request that the use of that the facility is for personal use of the applicant
with no external lighting
Proposal: Formation of new access track and entrance improvements
Location: Lime Kiln Farm, West Stoughton Wedmore. BS28 4QR
Applicant: Mr Seymour
Comment: Support. This will greatly improve road safety regarding access into and from the property
Proposal: Erection of a unit for tourist accommodation
Location: Lime Kiln Farm, West Stoughton Wedmore. BS28 4PR
Applicant: Mr Seymour
COMMENT: Support. This project encourages diversification and also brings additional tourism into the area
6. Correspondence.
(a). It was noted that the following applications had been granted permission:-
Proposal: Erection of general purpose agricultural building
Location. Land south of Ashton Drove, Ashton, Wedmore BS28
Applicant Mr B Hole
Proposal: Removal of conservatory and erection of single storey rear (West) extension
Location: Potters Mews, Glanville Rd,, Wedmore. BS28 4AD
Applicant: Mr Potter
Proposal: Erection of a greenhouse
Location: Maltfield, Mill Lane, Wedmore. BS28 4DN
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Morris
Proposal: Approval of the details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of a dwelling.
Location: Briar House, Mudgley Rd,, Wedmore. BS28 4DE
Applicant: A Laing
Proposal: Fell one Laburnum and reduce height and spread of Zelkova Serrata by 1.5m
Location: Honey Bourne, The Borough Wedmore. BS28 4EB
Applicant: Mr R Tinknell
Proposal: Erection of single storey side (East) and rear (So8uth) extensions with minor works
Location: 2 Birch Close Wedmore. BS28 4BG
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Parkyn
(b) It was noted that the following applications had been withdrawn:-
Proposal: Conversion of existing outbuilding into a dwelling and erection of a detached garage.
Location. Beehive Cottage, Latcham, Wedmore BS28 4SA
Applicant Mr Craddock
Proposal: Erection of a detached single storey home office
Location: Elmbank, Cribhouse Lane, Crickham Wedmore. BS28 JS
Applicant: Mrs L Meadowcroft
7. Matters of Report and Items for the Next Meeting – The Chairman referred to an Environment Agency
report to the proposed cattery application at Clewer. It was hoped the applicants would appeal the decision.
8. .
Next meeting –. TBA
There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 8.10pm.