MINUTES of a Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held by ZOOM video conferencing
on Wednesday 26
th May 2021 2021 at
Present: Mrs S Worrall (Chairman), Mrs I Beacom, Mrs P Costello, Mrs G Cousins, Mr D Cox,
Mrs B James-Lloyd, Mr D Kirley, Mr P Tinney,
In attendance – Mr R Pring (Clerk) Mr & Mrs Chetwode
1. Apologies for absence – Mr A Landers, Mrs J Candy, Mr A Smith. Mr Landers had asked to stand
down from the committee. This was agreed with regret.
2. Declarations of Interest – Cllr Costello declared an interest in application 00034 as a close friend of
the applicant
3. District Council members – Nil.
4. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting held on 28TH April 2021 . These had been circulated and were
approved. The Chairman would sign them later
5. Planning Applications –
The Chair adjourned the meeting to allow Mrs Chetwode to address the committee. The meeting then
Proposal: Formation of new vehicular access track
Location Ragwood Farm, Clewer. Wedmore. BS28 4JG
Applicant Mrs Chetwode
COMMENT: Support
Proposal: Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of a dwelling
Location: Land West of Snake Lane, Theale. Wedmore. BS28 4
Applicant Mr & Mrs Bryne
COMMENT: No observations
Proposal: Application to determine if prior approval is required for the proposed change of use of agricultural land
to 1 x dwelling and associated works.
Location: Totney Wick, Little Moor Rd, Mark. TA9 4NL
Applicant Mr R Weight
COMMENT: No observations
6. Correspondence.
(a). It was noted that the following applications had been granted permission:-
Proposal: Erection of rear garden summer house
Location: Tor View, Cold Nose, Bagley Wedmore. BS28 4TF
Applicant: Mr Fowler
Proposal: Change of use of land from agricultural use to equestrian use and formation of 40 x 20m Horse Arena
and a 20 x 10m winter turnout
Location: Southville Farm, Latcham, Wedmore. BS28 4SA
Applicant: Mr Jenkins
Proposal: Formation of new access track and entrance improvemnents
Location: Lime Kiln Farm, West Stoughton. Wedmore. BS28 4QR
ApplicantMr Seymour
(b) It was noted that the following application had been withdrawn
Proposal: Minor alterations to existing two storey (North) extension with the erection of a new garage and formation
of vehicle access
Location: Green Pastures, Mill Lane, Wedmore. BS28 4DN
Applicant: Clements
7. Matters of Report and Items for the Next Meeting – The Chair updated members on the current
situation with regard to the application at The Parks, Plud Street.
8. .Date of next meeting – TBA
There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 7.55pm.