Wedmore Parish Council

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Planning Applications

Welcome to the Wedmore Parish Council’s overview of planning applications for 2024. This document provides a detailed summary of all planning proposals submitted within the parish, including important information such as the application reference, proposal description, location, applicant details, and the decision made by Somerset Council.

The document serves as a public record, allowing residents to stay informed about developments in their area. It includes applications for new builds, modifications to existing properties, changes of land use, and tree preservation orders. We encourage you to review these applications to understand how they may impact the local community.

Each entry includes a deadline for comments, and we encourage parishioners to provide feedback on proposals that matter to them. In addition to submitting your views online through Somerset Council’s planning portal, we also recommend attending our scheduled Parish Council planning meetings. These meetings provide an excellent opportunity for residents to express their opinions directly and engage with councillors on important local developments. Your input helps shape decisions and ensures that the community’s voice is heard.

For more details on meeting dates and times, please visit our Meetings & Agendas section or contact the Parish Clerk for further information. By participating in these consultations, you play a vital role in maintaining the character and future of our parish.

To view the most recent updates or to submit your comments, please visit the appropriate sections of the Somerset Council’s planning portal (

Planning Applications 2024

Contact Information
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01934 713087
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The Council Rooms, Grants Lane, Wedmore, Somerset BS28 4EA