MINUTES of a Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held at the Council Rooms, Grants Lane,
on Wednesday 3rd November 2021 at
Present: Mrs S Worrall (Chair), Mrs I Beacom, Mrs J Candy, Mrs P Costello, Mrs G Cousins, Mr D Cox,
Mrs B James-Lloyd, Mr D Kirley, Mr P Tinney.
In attendance – Mr R Pring (Clerk), Mr Pat Benjamin
1. Apologies for absence – Mr A Smith
2. Declarations of Interest – Mrs I Beacom and Mrs B James-Lloyd declared an interest in 50/21/00097
3. District Council members – Mrs P Costello said she was meeting with the Acorn representative
shortly to discuss the allotment track, footpath and other issues surrounding the Cross Farm
4. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting held on 6th October 2021 had been circulated. It was agreed
that they should be signed by the Chairman
The Chair adjourned the meeting to allow Mr Pat Benjamin to address the Committee. The meeting then
5. Planning Applications –
Proposal: Approval for reserved matters for the appearance, layout, scale, landscaping and access for the
proposed dwelling.
Location: land to North-East of Dawn House, Pilcorn St, Wedmore
Applicant: Mrs M Jackson
COMMENT: Object. The whole appearance of the building dominates the surrounding street scene and there are
concerns about the overlooking of properties in Gardeners Orchard
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for the existing use of land as equestrian centre..
Location: Teal Farm, Sand, Wedmore BS28 4XD
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Ham & Francis
COMMENT: No observations
Proposal: Replacement of existing conservatory and erection of single storey porch to East elevation and
installation of dormer to the North elevation with internal alterations
Location: Yew Tree House, Mutton Lane,Wedmore BS28 4DS
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Hanson
COMMENT: No observations
Proposal: Reduce pittosporum, coppice hazel and reduce bay tree
Location: Glendale, Church St St, Wedmore BS28 4AB
Applicant: Mrs M Cavanagh
COMMENT: No observations
6. Correspondence.
The Clerk had received a letter from Mr and Mrs Edmunds of Combe Batch concerning amended plans relating to a
proposed development in the Cross Farm yard. The letter had been sent to Sedgemoor but the Parish Council had
not received any details of the amended plans from Sedgemoor at this time.
(a). It was noted that the following applications had been granted permission:-
Proposal: Conversion of existing building into a two bedroom bungalow and the erection of detached garage with
the formation of driveway and soft landscaping..
Location: Beehive Cottage, Wells Rd, Latcham, Wedmore BS28 4SA
Applicant: Mr Cradock
Proposal: Conversion of garage first floor into an annex with installation of front (North) dormer.
Location: Alvion House, Wells Rd, Theale, Wedmore BS28 4
Applicant Mr K Harris
(b).It was noted that the following applications had been refused:-
Proposal: Erection of agricultural livestock building and yard cover on the existing footprint of demolished building
Location: Land off Wells Rd, Latcham, Wedmore BS28
Applicant: H G Tincknell & Sons Ltd
50/21/00056/EC & 50.21/00075/EC (listed buildings
Proposal: Erection of first floor extension with rear (North) dormer and single storey rear (North) extension to
existing garage.
Location: Woodpecker House, Cheddar Rd, Cocklake, Wedmore BS28 4HW
Applicant: Mr Lamb
7. Matters of Report and Items for the Next Meeting – Nil
8. .Date of next meeting – TBA
There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 8.07pm