MINUTES of a Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held at the Council Rooms, Grants Lane,
on Wednesday 6th October 2021 at
Present: Mrs S Worrall (Chair), Mrs I Beacom, Mrs J Candy, Mrs G Cousins, Mr D Cox,
Mrs B James-Lloyd, Mr D Kirley, Mr P Tinney.
In attendance – Mr R Pring (Clerk), Mr R Isgar, Mr Brown, Ms Coles, Mr M Parker
1. Apologies for absence – Mrs P Costello, Mr A Smith
2. Declarations of Interest – Nil
3. District Council members – Nil.
4. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting held on 8th September 2021 had been circulated. It was agreed
that they should be signed by the Chairman
The meeting was adjourned and the Chair invited Mr R Isgar to address the committee as part of the preplanning consultation on his intended application to erect a new dwelling off Sand Road, Wedmore. The
Chair then allowed Mr. M Parker to address the committee in respect of an application at Little Ireland,
Wedmore. The meeting then resumed.
5. Planning Applications –
Proposal: Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of a two storey dwelling
Location: The Bungalow, Little Ireland Rd, Wedmore BS28 4BJ
Applicant: Michael Parker Building Contractor
Comment: Support but hoped that the impact of the glass on the front elevation be softened and the proposed
height of the development be lowered, perhaps by digging lower foundations so that the proposed building be not
dissimilar from the existing. The Committee welcomes the proposed eco-friendly nature of the new development.
Proposal: Change of use of Public House (sui generis) to a residential dwelling (Use Class C3).
Location: Panborough Inn, Panborough, Wells BA5 1PN
Applicant: Mr Folland
Comment: Object. The Council maintains its original submission to object to this application and also feels that the
consultation document submitted is sufficiently flawed in that it asks leading questions and lacks independence.
There was no leafleting of local residents nor any advertising that the consultation was taking place.
Proposal: Erection of single storey rear (North) extension and proposed first floor and rear (North) dormer
extension with roof alterations.
Location: Cherith, Mudgley Rd, Wedmore BS28 4DF
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Williams
Comment: Object. It appears that the roof height will be increased by approx. 2m and will be totally out of character
with other bungalows in the area. When planning permissions for these buildings were originally passed there was a
condition imposed that the surrounding hills would remain visible from all aspects. This would not be the case if this
proposal is passed
Proposal: Erection of replacement stables on site of existing stables (to be demolished).
Location: The Elms, Cribhouse Lane, Crickham, Wedmore BS28 4JS
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Frost
COMMENT: No observations
Proposal: Change of use of agricultural land to equestrian use with erection of timber stable block and 40m x 20m
Location: Land to West of Mill Stones, Heath House Wedmore BS28 4UW
Applicant Ms N Durston
Comment: The Council supports this application with the condition that there is no external floodlighting and the
venture is for private use only, not commercial
Proposal: Conversion of garage first floor into an annex with installation of front (North) dormer.
Location: Alvion House, Wells Rd, Theale, Wedmore BS28 4
Applicant Mr K Harris
Comment: No observations
50/21/00083/CM & 50/21/00084/CM (Listed Buildings)
Proposal: Proposed installation of new loft access and enlargement of rear (East) dormer, also with repairs to the
roof, rainwater goods and walls.
Location: Blackford Cottage, High St, Blackford. Wedmore BS28 4NN
Applicant: Dr Smith
Comment: No observations
Proposal: Erection of single storey rear (North and side (West) wrap round extension.
Location: Lands End Farm House, Heath House. Wedmore BS28 4UQ
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Mewes
Comment: Support. This is a sustainable development and fully encourages bio diversity which the Council is keen
to promote
Proposal: Erection of single storey rear (SW) extension.
Location: 9 Saxon Way. Wedmore BS28 4AG
Applicant: Mr Smithson
Comment: No observations
Proposal: Fell one ornamental cherry.
Location: White Gates, Glanville Rd. Wedmore BS28 4AD
Applicant: Ms M Marinkovic
WPC Meeting Date 06/10/21
COMMENT: No observations
6. Correspondence.
(a). It was noted that the following applications had been granted permission:-
Proposal: Conversion of existing garage/garden store to a dwelling. Erection of a single garage/store and erection
of 2 x car ports and garden store..
Location: Shortlands, Shortlands Lane, Wedmore BS28 4BX
Applicant: Mr N Garley
Proposal: Change of use of land to residential garden area and the erection of detached garage/store with
Location: Whitehouse Farm, Cocklake, Wedmore BS28 4HE
Applicant: Mr K Puddy
Proposal: Change of use and conversion of barns A & B to a dwelling. Erection of a two storey extension to
(South) elevation of barn A and demolition of outbuildings C & D.and metal shed. Change of use of agricultural land
to garden, driveway and parking. Erection of timber framed car port and garden store.
Location: South View Farm, Crickham, Wedmore BS28 4JT
Applicant: Miss Hector
Proposal: Temporary siting of a static caravan to accommodate a self-builder
Location: South View Farm, Crickham, Wedmore BS28 4JT
Applicant: Miss Hector
Proposal: Fell one Cypress tree.
Location: Clay Hill House, Grants Lane, Wedmore BS28 4EA
Applicant: Mr Gelder
Proposal: Erection of single storey rear (SW) extension.
Location: 9 Saxon Way. Wedmore BS28 4AG
Applicant: Mr Smithson
7. Matters of Report and Items for the Next Meeting – Nil
8. .Date of next meeting – TBA
There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 8.25pm