
Parish Council minutes 19th February 2022

MinutesParish Council Uploaded on March 17, 2022



MINUTES of the meeting of WEDMORE PARISH COUNCIL held at Theale Village Hall on    Wednesday 16th February 2022  at 7.30 p.m.


Present:           Councillors:,  Mrs P Costello (Chair), Mrs I Beacom, Mrs J Candy, Mrs G Cousins,        Mr D Cox,  Mrs J Farley, Mrs B James-Lloyd, Mr D Kirley, Mr A Landers, Mrs E Mulliner,                 Mr A Reeson, Mr A Smith, Mr S Thorogood, Mr P Tinney, Mrs S Worrall

In Attendance: Mr. R Pring (Clerk), Cllr D Huxtable (SCC)


  • to receive any apologies for absence – Apologies from Cllr J Newton,


  • TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS –  Cllr Huxtable reported that the annual budget would be set on Weds 23rd  This was the last year it was being set by the County Council before becoming a Unitary Authority. The budget would increase by 10% to more than £40m.  The Council have saved a a considerable amount during lock-down with less expenses and a reliance on voluntary assistance.  The Council Tax will rise by 2.9% including a 1% precept increase for adult social care.  Band D houses will decrease by £92 with a “Hardship Fund” available for those in larger properties.  Cllr Smith asked for an update on the Minor Improvement Schemes.  Cllr Huxtable said that there was a huge backlog of applications and gave an example of the 20mph scheme at Mark School taking six years to come to fruition. Cllr Smith said that the Cheddar Road improvement scheme was a priority with latest speed checks showing the fastest car entering the village at 84mph and leaving the village 89% ! He said he missed the opportunity to meet on site with Highways staff but was in regular contact by email. Cllr Cox mentioned the open event at the village hall this weekend and said the majority of residents had stated a wish for a 20mph scheme within the village during Neighbourhood Plan discussions and he doubted this had changed.  Cllr Costello had nothing to report from Sedgemoor.


  • to record any declarations of interest –



  • minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL meeting held on 19TH january 2022 . – resolved:  that the Chairman be authorised to sign the minutes as a correct record of the previous meeting.


  • public participation – Nil


  • matters arising –Nil


  •     financial matters
    1. Audit of accounts 21st December 2021 – 20th January 2022 – Cllr Beacom and Cllr Mulliner reported that all was in order.



  1. Accounts for Payment – as per the following list













BACS D Weare Refund overpaid allotment rent £30.00
BACS Electric Gate Co Annual service car park barrier


BACS EDF Energy Electricity Council Rooms


BACS W Jackson Highways and hedging work


BACS D Summers-Cook Clean & lock toilets and consumables


BACS Mrs R Stevens Clean Council Rooms £25.00
BACS R Pring Clerk’s expenses


BACS Arien Signs Safety signs at cemetery


BACS Water2Business Water rates Council Rooms


BACS Rapide Systems Stationery


BACS Sedgemoor DC Clerk’s salary


BACS Water2Business Water rates toilets


BACS EDF Energy Electricity at car park


BACS Sedgemoor DC Litter picking and bin emptying


BACS Sedgemoor DC Supply and fit new dog bin Combe Lane


BACS Clarity Copiers Photocopier charges




22.02.08  TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON WEDS 2ND FEBRUARY 2022   –  The minutes had been circulated and it was agreed they be signed by the Committee Chairman, Cllr Worrall.


22.02.09   TO APPROVE AMENDMENTS TO POLICIES AND TERMS OF REFERENCE –  Cllr Farley reported that the Cemetery Regulations had been updated  and she proposed they be adopted and uploaded to the website.  This was seconded by Cllr Cox and agreed.  ACTION – CLERK.


     22.02.10  TO AGREE TO SUPPORT THE PLAYING FIELDS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE WITH PLANNING   APPLICATIONS –   A letter from Pete Brown had been circulated.  He was asking that some forthcoming planning applications would result in a saving of 50% of planning costs if they were made in the name of the Parish Council. This had been agreed on other applications by the WPFMC.  Cllr Kirley reminded members that part of an application was for work on the first floor of the pavilion which was a “sensitive issue”.  Members agreed to support the request providing there was no financial impact to the Parish.


22.02.11  TO CONSIDER A RESPONSE FROM DEVON & SOMERSET FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE AND TO AGREE WHAT, IF ANY FURTHER ACTION TO TAKE –  Cllr Kirley referred members to a presentation given to the Council by the local fire station officer who said there were plans to downgrade a replacment fire pump at Cheddar.  Cllr Kirley had received a response from the Fire Authority outlining their side of the story.  He did not feel sufficiently qualified to make a recommendation but suggested other Councils be consulted to see what response they were planning and whether we should have a joint response to the authority.  It was agreed that the Clerk would make enauiries and report back.  ACTION – CLERK


22.02.12 UPDATE OF PRIORITY LIST OF PROJECTS  –  Cllr Cox asked for this to be deferred until after the “Have Your Say” event at the weekend.


22.02.13  TO CONSIDER PURCHASING A THERMAL IMAGING CAMERA –  This suggestion had been raised at the last meeting.  Cllr Cox said this had been actioned previously by the Green Group but had limited usage and was subsequently abandoned.  He felt that unless there was a follow-uip plan there would be no forseeable benefits.  Members felt that in principle the suggestion may have merit but more research was needed.  Cllrs. Worrall, Candy and Cox would work together to further consider the matter. – ACTION DC,SW,JC


22.02.14    TO CONSIDER UPGRADING A CONCRETE DRAINAGE AREA BY THE CEMETERY GATES –   Cllr Cousins siad that she had received two quotes for groundwork needed by the top cemetery gates to prevent the build up of rainwater and to channel the water into a nearby drain.She proposed the quotation by Mr Sheldon of £700 plus VAT be accepted.  This was seconded by Cllr Tinney and agreed.  A further quotation for replacing all of the tarmac in the top parking area was left in abeyance for the time being. – ACTION CLERK


22.02.15  SAFE CROSSING AT HUGH SEXEYS SCHOOL –  Cllr. Costello reported that the Vets at Blackford had verbally agreed to donate a piece of their land to make a footway which would need fencing and railings. She and Cllr Smith were waiting for a further meeting with them before the matter could be progressed.  This would be an opportunity to use CIL money.   The Vets had insited that they would not be liable for any costs in drawing up a legal agreement.  It was unlikely that the school would be able to staff the crossing full-time so a crossing warden may need to be appoointed and she hoped someone in the village would volunteer for this position.  The matter was cuirrently ongoing.  ACTION PC / AS.


22.02.16  TRANSFER OF PLAY AREA FUNDS TO PARISH COUNCIL ACCOUNT –  Cllr. Farley reported that there were three play areas in the parish with a fourth at Cross Farm to be completed.  The existing play areas had 2 bank accounts each mainly for the provision of equipment.  She proposed that these accounts should be closed and the monies transferred to the Parish Council who would oversee the running costs and claim back the VAT as appropriate. This was seconded by Cllr Mulliner and agreed – ACTION JF


22.02.17  TO CONSIDER JOINING THE NATIONAL ALLOTMENT ASSOCIATION  – Cllr. Candy had recently approached the Association for advice but was told that they only advised their own membership.  She felt that by joining,  the Parish Council would receive much advice on rents, terms of agreements etc. and all for £67 per year.  She proposed an application to join be made.  This was seconded by Cllr Smith and agreed.  ACTION – JC




             (a)..NEW CLERKCllr. Kirley reported that four applications had been received.  One was subsequently withdrawn and two candidates were interviewed.  None had any previous experience.  An offer had been made to Lindsey Baker of Blackford who had accepted and could start on March 28th.  He proposed that the appointment be confirmed and a contract issued.  This was seconded by Cllr Costello and agreed.  ACTION – DK


             (b)  ONE SOMERSET  –  Cllr. James-Lloyd reported that she and Cllr Kirley had attended a ZOOM meeting for an update on the proposals.  Parish Councils were encouraged to work together to form “Local Community Networks”.  These groups would get more money to finance their own affairs.  Pilot groups had been set up across the county for schemes such as youth work and wellbeing projects. It was agreed to sound out local Councils to see what response should be made.  ACTION – CLERK



             (c)  QUEEN’S JUBILEE PROPOSED STREET PARTY –  Cllr Kirley said that a working party had been set up to arrange a childrens’ street party in The Borough on Sunday 5th June from 12 noon until 4pm.  A road closure had been applied for and assistance had been sought from the Bridgwater Carnival Clubs to provide signage etc.  It would be a “bring your own” party with tables laid out in the Borough with some food stalls and a bar.  He suggested that the Council budget £1000 towards the event although the final figure was likely to be less.  This was agreed.  ACTION – DK


             (d)  NEW WEBSITE AND EMAIL – Cllr. James-Lloyd said that each member now had a personal email address although there were currently some access issues to be resolved.  It was agreed that the new system would be used immediately for Council business.


22.02.19   ISSUES AND QUESTIONS RAISED BY COUNCILLORS –  Cllr. Costello noted that the SID on Pilcorn Street was not working.  Cllr Smith was aware and dealing.  Cllr Cousins asked if Combe Batch Rise was due for resurfacing ?  Cllr Costello said that it would be in due course.  Cllr Reeson mentioned the lack of white lines on the raised section of road at the West End junction.  Cllr Smith noted the comment and woul make enquiries.  Cllr Smith noted that trees in the car park were being removed to allow sewage work to go ahead.  The Clerk said he had received notice from the contractor.  Trees would be replaced and the timber cut down would be used as natural habitats in Worthington Woods. Cllr Candy said that all allortment rents had been paid and that one plot was available to let.  Cllr James-Lloyd said that she had attended an “Impact Seminar” and would circulate details in due course.  Cllr Beacom had attended a Carbon Awareness training session.




22.02.20              correspondence





From Whom








  • Cemetery – Nil
  • Facilities Allotments & Footpaths – Nil
  • Finance & General Purposes – Nil
  • Housing –Nil
  • Highways, Car Park & Brook – Meeting on 22nd February
  • Planning – Meeting 2nd February 2022
  • Footpaths and Green Issues – Nil



  • IOW News – Nil
  • Play Areas Nil
  • SALC – Nil
  • Wedmore Playing Fields Management – Recent meeting decided to support the Jubilee and maybe an opportunity for hedge or tree planting.
  • Village Halls – Wedmore – Covid vaccination sessions ongoing but had resulted in issues raised by the Tuesday Club.
  • Twinning – Travelling to France this year
  • Green Wedmore. Nil







22.02.22     matters of report and items for next meeting –


(a).  Chairman – Nil

(b)    Clerk – Nil

(c)   Members – Nil



There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed at 8.55 pm