
Highways Committee minutes 22nd February 2022

Highways CommitteeHighways Committee Uploaded on March 17, 2022



Minutes of a Meeting of Highways, Car Park & Brook Committee held at the Council Rooms,          Grants Lane, Wedmore on Wednesday 22ND February 2022 at 7.30pm


Present: Councillors Mr A Smith (Chair), Mrs I Beacom, Mr D Cox, Mrs J Farley,Mr D Kirley,               Mrs S Worrall

In Attendance:   Mr R Pring (Clerk). Mrs Walker, Mr Hutchings






  1. minutes of the meeting held on 29TH SEPTEMBER 2021

The minutes had been circulated to all members with no comments received.

resolved:      that the Chairman be authorised to sign as a correct record.


  1. matters arising –. The Chairman said that SCC had undertaken work at Blackford in relation to the new “Gateway” and upgraded the signage. The yellow lines in Glanville Road, Cheddar Road and outside Providence House had been completed. Three new SID posts erected (one in wrong place).  The SID post extensions and Cheddar Road signage improvements remain outstanding and the Chairman was in contact with Highways about these matters.


  1. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC – Two members of the public were present.,


  1. “HAVE YOUR SAY” EVENT –  The Chairman referred to the postponement of this event due to the storms at the weekend which had caused considerable damage to the roof and ceiling of the village hall.  The Hall Committee were hoping to resume activities next week.  Cllr Cox suggested the event be rearranged for March with a lead-in time of two weeks.  ACTION – DC/DK


  • PILCORN STREET PAVEMENT UPDATE –  Cllr Cox reported that the Parish Council had approved the costs for employing a strutural engineer to oversee the project and Sedgemoor had released £104k for the Parish to work on a feasability study.  Cllr Cox said that the Council was working closely with one of the residents affected in Pilcorn Street to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion to the project.  Strongvox had supplied a topographical survey document which was now with the structural engineer. Cllr. Smith asked if the project reached  a situation where it became fully viable. would discussions take place with all residents in the area ?  Cllr Cox replied that we need to wait until the feasability study was complete and discussions with those affected would take then place  The Parish Council was extremely eager to progress the project which had been highlighted in the Neighbourhood Plan.     The members of the public present expressed their full support for the project. ACTION  –  DC


  • WEDMORE CAR PARK SIGNAGE – Cllr Smith reported that all signage leading to and from the car park were far too small and need upgrading.  It was particularly important that signage directing users of the car park to the local shops was also improved.  He mentioned that sewerage work relating to the Holdenhurst development was due to commence soon and we needed to ensure that pedestrian access to the shops was maintained even though there would be diversionary signs for traffic.  Cllr Worrall asked why there were four disabled spaces in the car park given the distance needed to walk to the shops ?  One space would probably be sufficient to comply with local needs.  Cllr Cox said that he had earmarked two of these spaces for electric charging units and suggested that in time the white lines would need replacing.  Cllr Costello to progress the signage issues  ACTION – PC


  • SAFE CROSSING PROPOSAL AT SEXEYS SCHOOL – Cllr Smith reported that he and Cllr Costello had met with the Headteacher of Sexeys School and a member of Somerset County Council to discuss a safe way of crossing the B3139 road.  The Head said that school staff currently marshalled traffic leaving the school car park onto Sexeys Road (B3139) and they could also marshal pupils across the B3139 towards the piece of land occupied by the Vets, if a wide safe space was constructed.  The owners of the land and their tenants (the Vets) had agreed in principle to lease a piece of the field to construct a footpath into Redmans Hill but asked that the Council try and prevent parents from using the Vets car park and Redmans Hill at collection times.  Cllr Smith had prepared a sketch of the proposed footpath and had circulated it to all parties.  However, since then the Headteacher has stated that he could not commit to marshalling children across Sexeys  Cllr Costello was continuing to progress the project with all parties concerned.  Cllr Cox said that a complete overview  of the issues arising from parents dropping off and collecting pupils  needed to be carried out before any Council funds were committed to it.  ACTION – PC


  • SPEED INDICATOR DEVICES, PROGRESS UPDATE – Cllr Smith reported that the SID had been moved from the cemetery entrance on Cheddar Road where it has been in situ for many months.  The highest recorded speed of a car entering Wedmore was in excess of               80 mph  !! All speed details had been downloaded and passed to the Highways Engineer.  It was felt that the newer SID had more of an impact on drivers as it showed the actual speed of the approaching vehicle rather then a “Slow Down” message.  He and Cllr Kirley had noticed a reduction of the speeds of vehicles as they approached the SID.  The SID had been moved to another location.  There was a need to consider a 40mph limit further back towards Cheddar with a 30mph limit nearer the cemetery. This would need input from the Highways Dept. If it was to go ahead.


  • ANY OTHER BUSINESS – Cllr Smith felt the Council should lead on an initiative to encourage more people to walk and cycle within the village rather than drive and hoped someone would take the idea forward. Cllr Worrall agreed to talk with Cathy Butterworth who headed up the “Wellbeing Team” to see if she could offer any help.  ACTION – SW.  Cllr Smith noted that several projects  had been highlighted in the Neighbourhood Plan and he felt it was time for them to be properly evaluated and prioritised before approaching SCC for commitment.  A small sub-Committee was proposed to look at the projects in some depth and report backto the Committee on their findings.  Cllr Worrall suggested we wait until the “Have Your Say” event had taken place to see what residents actually want.  It was agreed this would be the starting point for this work.  Cllr Cox reported he was awaiting quotes in relation to electric chargers and the National Grid.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.25pm.  DATE OF NEXT MEETING  –  To be advised.