
Cemetery Committee Meeting Minutes 15 January 2022

Cemetery CommitteeMinutes Uploaded on January 21, 2022

MINUTES of a Meeting of the CEMETERY Committee held at The Cemetery, Cheddar Rd, Wedmore,
on Saturday 15th January 2022 at 10.30am
Present: Cllr Mrs G Cousins (Chair), Cllrs D Kirley, A Landers, P. Tinney, S Worrall.

In Attendance: Mr R Pring (Clerk)
1. Apologies for Absence – Cllrs. I Beacom,
2. Minutes of the meeting held on 12th May 2021 – The minutes were approved and
signed by the Chair.
3. Matters Arising.
(a). Demarcation area. This was now complete.
4. To consider results of Health & Safety survey and Risk Assessment . – The
Chair and Cllr Kirley recently visited the cemetery during freezing conditions and just
inside the top gates was a large patch of ice, which together with moss proved to be very
slippery. The moss has now been treated and is disappearing but there is a rain water
issue to be addressed. The concrete plinth under the gates needs re-building to direct
water into the main drain and the gates need a good clean. A proposed handrail with a
moveable section has been suggested as the entrance in from the top of the cemetery
has a distinct slope which is a safety hazard, especially for the elderly. Jon Bethel had
quoted £480 plus VAT to erect the handrail and a second supplier had been asked to
quote within the next few days. Plans are in place to purchase two safety warning signs
for the top and bottom gates.
5. Cemetery Inspection – The cemetery was looking in good condition with hedges cut
back. One tablet in the Garden of Remembrance was sinking and needed attention.
The Clerk would try and trace the family or ask Adams Memorials to attend to it. The
grass at the side of the main path was encroaching onto the path itself and the Clerk
would ask Will to deal with it.
6. Matters of report and items for the next meeting –Nil.
There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 11.00am