MINUTES of a Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held at the Council Rooms, Grants Lane,
on Wednesday 5th January 2022 at
Present: Mrs S Worrall (Chair), Mrs I Beacom, Mrs J Candy, Mrs G Cousins, Mr D Cox,
Mrs B James-Lloyd, Mr D Kirley, Mr P Tinney
In attendance – Mr R Pring (Clerk), Mr J Loughrey, Mr A Beazer
1. Apologies for absence – Mrs P Costello, Mr A Smith
2. Declarations of Interest – Mrs B James-Lloyd said that she knew the applicant of 50/21/000124 as
they had children the same age and it had been alleged that she had a pecuniary interest in the
application. This was not the case and she offered to recluse herself from any discussion. The
Committee felt this was unnecessary as with many applications in a small village, committee members
knew many of the applicants..
3. District Council members – Nil.
The Chair adjourned the meeting to allow Mr Loughrey and Mr Beazer to address the committee. The
meeting then resumed.
4. Planning Applications –
Proposal: Change of use of land for siting of a shepherds hut as holiday let, installation of shower/toilet block and
formation of parking area .
Location: Orchard Farm, Middle Stoughtonll, Wedmore BS28 4PT
Applicant: Mr Loughrey
COMMENT: Object. There are already 7 tourist cottages in a tiny hamlet of 11 residential properties and there is
considerable local objection to more. The siting on the field is within the visibility of neighbours and young children
and there are concerns re privacy and noise. More traffic would be created on a very narrow single track road. We
suggest the applicant consults his neighbours and considers re-siting the hut possibly in his own orchard adjacent to
Orchard Farm.
Proposal: Erection of a single storey extension to rear (NE) elevation and internal alterations.
Location: Poplar Farm, Long Hill, Clewer, Wedmore BS28 4JG
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Tunstall
COMMENT: No observations
Proposal: Erection of single storey side (West) and rear (South) elevations on site of existing (to be demolished)
Location Auldcroft, Plud St, Wedmore BS28 4BE
Applicant: Mr Hall
COMMENT: No observations
Proposal: Retrospective application for the installation of 3 rooflights and flue positions to the rear (South)
Location: Blackford Cottage, High St Blackford, Wedmore BS28 4NN
Applicant: Dr Smith
COMMENT: No observations
Proposal: Reduce lateral growth within crown of ash tree
Location: Amberley, West End, Wedmore BS28 4BW
Applicant: Mr R Hall
COMMENT: No observations
5. Correspondence.
(a). It was noted that the following applications had been granted permission:-
Proposal: Change of use of Public House to a residential dwelling.
Location: Panborough Inn, Panborough, Wells BA5 1PN
Applicant: Mr Folland
Proposal: Erection of replacement stables on site of existing stables (to be demolished).
Location: The Elms, Cribhouse Lane Crickham
Applicant Frost
Proposal: Change of use of agricultural land to equestrian use with erection of timber stable block and 40m x 20m
Manege Land to West of Mill Stones, Heath House Wedmore BS28 4UW
Applicant Ms N Durston
Proposal: Erection of orangery to the side (East) elevation on site of existing conservatory to be demolished and
conversion of existing flat roof to the (North) to a balcony..
Location: Panborough House, Panborough. Wells BA5 1PN
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Hembrow
Proposal: Erection of single storey extension to side (SE) elevation.
Location: Warren House, Pilcorn St, Wedmore BS28 4AW
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Wilson
Proposal: Erection of a porch to front (NW) elevation .
Location: 3 Quab Lane Close, Wedmore BS28 4AT
Applicant: Moody
Proposal: Application to determine if prior approval is required for proposed change of use of agricultural building
top 1 dwelling and associated building operations .
Location: Barn at Totney Wick, Littlemoor Rd, Mark.
Applicant: Mr R Weight
Proposal: Reduce crown of Norway Maple by 25% by shortening lateral branches by 1m and 1.5m, thinning
crossing branches within the crown
Location: 29 St Medard Road, Wedmore BS28 4AY
Applicant: Agent
Proposal: Application to determine if prior approval is required for the proposed change of use of agricultural
building to a one dwelling and associated works
Location: Land at Stougton Cross, Wedmore BS28 4QR
Applicant: Mr O Seymour
Proposal: Fell two pine trees and reduction work to seven others.
Location: Laurel Bank, Sand Rd, Wedmore BS28 4BZ
Applicant: Agent
(b). It was noted that the following applications had been withdrawn:-
50/21/00092/CM & 50/21/00093 (Listed Buildings)
Proposal: Retrospective application for the retention of existing conservatory.
Location: Christmas Cottage, Pilcorn St. Wedmore BS28 4AN
Applicant: Mr Hollyman
Proposal: Erection of timber fence to the NE elevation on site of existing hedge (to be demolished) .
Location: Pippins, Pilcorn St. Wedmore BS28 4AW
Applicant: Mr A Smith
6. Matters of Report and Items for the Next Meeting – Nil
7. .Date of next meeting – TBA
There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 8.05pm