
Transparency Payments 2021 – 2022

Finance and General Purposes Uploaded on April 4, 2022



Date Reason for Payment Cost
08/4/21 Fencing at Worthington Woods £491.00
21/4/21 Grass cutting and hedge cutting £1085.00
21/4/21 Clean and lock toilets £275.00
21/4/21 Electricity at Car Park £113.83
21/4/21 Electricity at Council Rooms £701.50
21/4/21 South West Councils subscription £558.00
22/4/21 Grant Wedmore in Bloom £750.00
26/4/21` Clerk’s salary £1886.24
30/4/21 Annual insurance premium £1618.62
04/5/21 Cycling safety awareness signs £163.10
04/5/21 Complaint investigation fee £2016.00
11/5/21 Empty dog and litter bins £515.74
17/5/21 Bin emptying and litter scavenge £487.66
17/5/21 Repay VAT claimed in error £515.30
18/5/21 Clean and lock toilets £225.00
18/5/21 Grass cutting and highways £1158.00
19/5/21 Grant Wedmore PTA £500.00
25/5/21 Clerk’s salary £1756.79
10/6/21 Tree cutting Car Park £108.00
11/6/21 Tree and hedge cutting Blackford Play Area £768.00
16/6/21 Grass cutting etc £968.00
16/6/21 Clean and lock toilets £220.00
17/6/21 Equipment for Blackford “Gateway” £2350.89
24/6/21 Construction costs for “Gateway” £400.00
29/6/21 Groundworks at allotments £240.00
25/6/21 Clerk’s salary £1756.79
15/7/21 Repair noticeboards Blackford £159.00
21/7/21 Grass cutting etc £1545.00
21/7/21 Clean and lock toilets £286.50
21/7/21 Bin emptying £487.66
22/7/21 Grant “Green Wedmore” £533.00
23/7/21 Groundworks at Council Room £135.00
27/7/21 Water rates toilets £190.30
27/7/21` Clerk’s salary £1756.79
10/8/21 SALC training courses £150.00
18/8/21 Grass cutting £951.00
18/8/21 Clean and lock toilets £220.00
26/8/21 Unblock drain public toilets £114.00
26/8/21 Clerks salary £1756.79
31/8/21 Refurbish bench Mudgley Cross £105.00
7/9/21 External audit fee £480.00
15/9/21 Clean and lock public toilets £225.94
15/9/21 Grasscutting, allotments and cemetery work £958.00
20/9/21 Groundwork at cemetery £1728.00
21/9/21 Deliver WellBeing leaflets £240.60
25/09/21 Clerk’s salary £1756.79
07/10/21 Printing 2000 WellBeing directories £1095.00
14/10/21 Purchase new router £294.00
20/10/21 Grasscutting and highways works £1188.00
20/10/21 Cleaning and locking toilets £275.00
20/10/21 Repairs to tap at allotment and toilet flush £108.00
25/10/21 Clerk’s salary £1756.79
01/11/21 Grant to Playing Felds committee £12,500.00
01/11/21 Hedgecutting cemetery and allotments £280.00
01/11/21 Repair damaged fingerpost £120.00
10/11/21 Society of Local Council Clerks sub £185.00
17/11/21 Clean and lock toilets £230.00
17/11/21 Grass cutting etc £953.00
17/11/21 Printing “Lamplight” banners £207.60
18/11/21 Insurance for “Lamplight” £289.00
18/11/21 Feasibility study “Green Wedmore” £4800.00
18/11/21 Clerk’s salary £1756.79
06/12/21 Posts for SID devices £936.00
15/12/21 Clean & lock toilets £220.00
15/12/21 Hedging and highways work £464.00
20/12/21 Set up costs new website £1450.80
22/12/21 Stewards and signage for “Lamplight” £420.00
28/12/21 Defibrillator servicing £198.00
28/12/21 Clerk’s salary £1756.79
11/01/22 Supply Christmas Trees for traders £309.50
11/01/22 Litter scavenging etc £487.66
11/01/22 Service barrier in car park £210.00
17/01/22 Electricity Council Rooms £165.30
19/01/22 Hedging, highways works etc £319.00
19/01/22 Clean & lock toilets and consumables £286.00
19/01/22 Clerk’s salary £1756.79
31/01/22 Water rates public toilets £235.13
31/01/22 Electricity at car park £131.57
01/02/22 Litter scavenging and bin emptying £487.66
01/02/22 Supply new dog bin Combe Lane £167.42
08/02/22 Repairs to toilets following vandalism £192.00
09/02/22 First Aid cover at “Lamplight” £115.20
10/02/22 Water rates at allotments £179.64
15/02/22 Fit safety handrail at cemetery £597.00
15/02/22 Hedging and highways works £195.00
15/02/22 Clean & lock toilets £223.00
17/02/22 Posters for Open Day event £229.40
24/02/22 Repairs car park barrier £210.00
24/02/22 Clerk’s salary £1756.79
16/03/22 Grass cutting etc        £770.00
16/03/22 Clean & lock toilets        £220.00
17/03/22 Amenity grant Wedmore V Hall        £500.00
17/03/22 Amenity Grant Blackford V Hall        £500.00
17/03/22 Amenity Grant Theale V Hall        £500.00
17/03/22 Empty dog and litter bins £473.72
17/03/22 Council Tax Council Rooms £748.50
17/03/22 Council Tax Cemetery £698.60
21/03/22 Annual play area inspections £250.20
25/03/22 Clerks Salary £1756.29