MINUTES of a Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held at the Council Rooms, Grants Lane,
on Wednesday 14th July 2021 at
Present: Mrs S Worrall (Chairman), Mrs P Costello, Mrs G Cousins, Mr D Cox, Mr A Smith, Mr P Tinney
In attendance – Mr R Pring (Clerk), Mr Andy Reeson
1. Apologies for absence – Mrs I Beacom, Mrs J Candy, Mrs B James-Lloyd, Mr D Kirley
2. Declarations of Interest – Nil
3. District Council members – Nil.
4. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting held on 23rd June 2021 had been circulated. The Clerk pointed
out that the Glendale Farm application had been objected to but following comments made by the
Planning Officer, the matter had been reconsidered and it was agreed to support the application. The
minutes had been amended to reflect this decision. It was agreed that they should be signed by the
5. Planning Applications –
Proposal: Erection of single storey extension on site of existing conservatory (to be demolished)
Location: Footmans Cottage, Cheddar Rd Wedmore BS28 4EQ
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Young
COMMENT: No observations
The Chairman adjourned the meeting to allow Mr Reeson to address the Committee. The meeting then resumed.
Proposal: Erection of agricultural livestock building and yard cover on the existing footprint of demolished building
Location: Land off Wells Rd, Latcham, Wedmore BS28
Applicant: H G Tincknell & Sons Ltd
Comment: Object. The proposed building vastly exceeds the footprint of the current stone building. The proposed
development will be at least 5 times larger than the existing building and the ridge/roof line will be raised to almost
7m. Almost 70% increase on current dimensions. This will create a blot on the landscape visible for miles and totally
contrary to the appearance and keeping of local surroundings. There is no evidence of a bat survey having taken
place and all tiles have been removed from the existing building which could have housed bats. The proposed
development will have an adverse affect on local properties and its modern design contrasts sharply on
neighbouring buildings. The application refers to a “demolished building” but this is not the case as part of the
original building is still standing and in a sound condition.
50/21/00049/EC & 50/21/00050/EC (Listed Buildings)
Proposal: Proposed alterations to existing driveway entrance with the installation of 2 rooflights to existing garage
Location: Barnards, The Borough, Wedmore BS28 4EB
Applicant: Mr I Smith
COMMENT: No observations
Proposal: Prune and shape 2 Bay Trees to 4-5m wide and high and removal of1 Yew Tree branch
Location: High Beech, Sand Rd, Wedmore BS28 4BZ
Applicant: Mr R Thorpe
COMMENT: No observations
6. Correspondence.
(a). It was noted that the following applications had been granted permission:-
Proposal: Erection of 2 detached dwellings and 2 semi-detached dwellings with associated works on site of existing
agricultural buildings (to be demolished)
Location: Lime Kilm Farm, Stoughton Wedmore BS28 4PR
Applicant: Mr O Seymour
50/20/0060/DT ( Revised plans)
Proposal: Erection of 38 dwellings, with access, landscaping, parking, public open space and associated works.
Location: Land to North of Wedmore First School, Blackford Rd, Wedmore. BS28
Applicant: Strongvox homes
Proposal: Erection of a single storey side (West) extension and first floor extension above garage to provide
additional living accommodation
Location: 17 Danes Lea Wedmore. BS28 4AX
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Cemm
Proposal: Conversion of existing farm buildings to 2 dwellings with associated garage and erection of a stables
Location: Glendale Farm, Cheddar Rd Wedmore. BS28 4ET
Applicant: BJ Cambell Southwest Ltd
(b). It was noted that the following application had been withdrawn:-
Proposal: Formation of new vehicular access track
Location Ragwood Farm, Clewer. Wedmore. BS28 4JG
Applicant Mrs Chetwode
7. Matters of Report and Items for the Next Meeting – Mrs Cousins said that she had undergone a
planning training session. Mr Cox gave details of a High Court judgement concerning the
Panborough Inn which had resulted in a survey being circulated among local residents. Mrs
Costello reminded members that the Committee had objected to the proposed change of use and
there was nothing more to be done at present.
8. .Date of next meeting – Weds 11th August 2021
There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 8.00 pm