AGENDA for a Meeting of the HIGHWAYS Committee to be held at the Council Rooms,
Grants Lane, Wedmore on Wednesday 29th September 2021 at 7.00 pm
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of meeting held on 31st March 2021
3. Matters arising:-
There remain several outstanding matters to be undertaken by SCC as follows:
Blackford gateway and signs upgrade, double yellow lines in Wedmore, new posts
and post extensions for SIDs, Cheddar Road signs upgrade. SCC say that the work
has been badly delayed by the pandemic, HGV drivers and shortages of materials.
AS continues to liaise with SCC on these matters.
4. Members of the Public
5. Priorities – a discussion on what actions the Parish Council can take in the
current situation to address local concerns on road safety and in reducing carbon
emissions over the next two years.
6 A proposal to form a working group to take forward bridging the Pilcorn Street ‘long’
pavement gap now that S106 funds are now available (DC).
7. A proposal to lobby for a reduced speed limit on the B3139 between Wedmore and
Blackford (JN)
8 Any Other Business
9 Date of next meeting – March 2022
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend the meeting. The Chairman will at a
convenient time in the transaction of business, allow any members of the public to make
representations, answer questions or give evidence relating to the matter or business being
transacted at the meeting