MINUTES of a Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held at the Council Rooms, Grants Lane,
on Wednesday 2nd February 2022 at
Present: Mrs S Worrall (Chair), Mrs I Beacom, Mrs J Candy, Mrs P Costello, Mr D Cox, Mrs B James-
Lloyd, Mr D Kirley,
In attendance – Mr R Pring (Clerk), Mr Ben Jacobs, Mr James Leighfield, Mr John Beauchamp
1. Apologies for absence – Mrs G Cousins, Mr A Smith, Mr P Tinney.
2. Declarations of Interest – Nil..
3. District Council members – Cllr Costello updated the Committee on a meeting held recently with
Planning Officer Adrian Noon concerning a proposed development off Combe Lane
4. Election of vice-Chair of Planning Committee – The Chair asked for volunteers to be elected as
vice-Chair of the Committee but no-one was prepared to stand. The item was left in abeyance
The Chair adjourned the meeting to allow Mr Jacobs to address the Committee on a proposed new build
in Mill Lane. The Chairman thanked him and looked forward to seeing plans in due course. Mr Leighfield
then addressed the Committee on his application 50/21/00131/EC. The meeting then resumed
5. Planning Applications –
Proposal: Formation of off-road parking
Location: Somersaetas, Combe Batch, Wedmore BS28 4DU
Applicant: Mr Leighfield
COMMENT: Support. The proposal would reduce parked cars on this already congested road, electric chargers
were provided and construction material removed will be re-used within the confines of the properties.
The Chairman then adjourned the meeting to allow Mr Beauchamp to address the Committee on his own application
50/21/00129/EC and also on application 50/22/00002EC for which he was the architect.
The meeting then resumed
Proposal: Retrospective application for the erection of a garden store and rebuilding adjacent boundary wall
Location: Old Sexeys Farm, High St, Blackford Wedmore BS28 4NP
Applicant: Mr Beauchamp
COMMENT No observations
50/22/00002/CM & 50/22/00009/CM (Listed Buildings)
Proposal: Conversion of annex to living accommodation, installation of a swimming pool and erection of a gym and
store room
Location: The Hall, Sand Rd Wedmore. BS28 4BZ
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Banas
COMMENT: No observations
Proposal: Erection of a single storey rear (South) wrap round extension
Location: 9 St Medard Rd, Wedmore BS28 4AY
Applicant: Mr R Johnson
Proposal: Conversion of outbuildings, installation of windows to front (North) and rear (South) elevation and
alterations to studio/gym
Location: Fig Tree Cottage, Cocklake, Wedmore BS28 4HB
Applicant: Mr Hewlett
COMMENT: No observations
Proposal: Reduce Norway Maple back to previous pruning points by approx 1m. Diameter of cuts would not
exceed 50mm
Location: 2 Old Primary School, Cheddar Rd Wedmore. BS28 4EP
Applicant: Agent
COMMENT: No observations
6. Correspondence.
(a). It was noted that the following applications had been granted permission:-
Proposal: Proposed replacement of existing single storey roof to the North elevation and the re-arrangement of
windows and doors to the North and West elevations
Location: Yorke House, Plud St, Wedmore BS28 4BQ
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Pilbeam
Proposal: Erection of single storey side (West) and rear (South) elevations on site of existing (to be demolished)
Location Auldcroft, Plud St, Wedmore BS28 4BE
Applicant: Mr Hall
Proposal: Reduce lateral growth within crown of ash tree
Location: Amberley, West End, Wedmore BS28 4BW
Applicant: Mr R Hall
(b). It was noted that the following application had been withdrawn:-
Proposal: Erection of a single storey rear (West) extension. Formation of loft conversion and installation of front
(East) and rear (West) dormer to include a balcony
Location: 25 Combe Batch Rise Wedmore BS28 4DT
Applicant: Mrs & Mrs Millar
7. Matters of Report and Items for the Next Meeting – Nil
8. .Date of next meeting – TBA
There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 8.15pm