Council Summons and Agenda
To: The Chairman
and all members of the Parish Council.
The next Meeting of Wedmore Parish Council will be held at the Village Hall, Wedmore, on Wednesday
15th December 2021 at 7.30 pm.
The business to be dealt with is set out on the AGENDA below.
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend the meeting. The Chairman will at a convenient time in the transaction of business, allow any members of the public to make representations, answer questions or give evidence relating to the matter or business being transacted at the meeting. This opportunity will also apply to any member who is otherwise excluded due to a declared interest.
Rod Pring – Clerk Dated: 8th December 2021
- TO RECEIVE ANY APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (and record approval if appropriate)
- reports from county and district councillors (by invitation)
- to record any declarations of interest
- minutes of the meeting held on the 17TH NOVEMBER 2021 AND THE EXTRAORDINARY MEETING HELD ON 1ST DECEMBER 2021 – To be approved and signed
- PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – ( time 10 minutes)
- matters arising – Note: For information only as Resolutions cannot be agreed at this agenda item.
- financial matters
- Audit of accounts from 26TH October 2021 to 23rd November 2021– To receive a report from Cllrs Keen and Beecomr
- To note that the following payments have been made:-
Payment |
Payee |
Details |
BACS | SLCC | Annual subscription | £185.00 |
Cheque | RBL Poppy Appeal | Donation for poppy wreath | £50.00 |
BACS | GB Sport | Play area equipment | £1272.05 |
BACS | GB Sport | Play area equipment | £179.52 |
BACS | GB Sport | Play area equipment | £736.20 |
BACS | J Bethell | Replace fencing etc Blackford play area | £3829.00 |
DD | Mainstream | Line rental and phone calls | £62.75 |
BACS | W Jackson | Grasscutting, highways etc | £953.00
BACS | R Pring | Clerk’s expenses | £22.86 |
BACS | Mrs R Stevens | Clean Council Rooms | £25.00 |
BACS | D Summers-Cooke | Clean & lock toilets | £230.00 |
BACS | St Andrews Press | Print banners for “Lamplight” | £207.60 |
BACS | Methodist Church | Burial Grant | £100.00 |
BACS | Theale Church | Burial Grant | £100.00 |
BACS | Blackford Church | Burial Grant | £100.00 |
BACS | Woodburys | Insurance for “Lamplight” | £289.00 |
BACS | PEP | Feasability study Green Wedmore (paid back later) | £4800.00 |
DD | Sedgemoor DC | Clerk’s salary | £1756.79 |
BACS | BGW Solicitors | Legal fees to confirm ID of signatories | £60.00 |
BACS | EDF Energy | Electricity at toilets | £9.32 |
BACS | C & T Maintenance | Reconfigure heating system to new router | £36.00 |
BACS | Somerset C C | Posts for SID’s | £936.00 |